ROMANS 1:20 "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly see, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.".

Shades of Brown (Print)

Tiger Trout (Print)

Native Beauty No. 1 (Print)

Butter-Belly Brown (SOLD!!!)

Spring Spawn Rainbow (SOLD!!!)

Autumn Brook (SOLD!!!)

Fiddler's Run Rainbow (SOLD!!!)

Tight Spot on the Mo' (SOLD!)

Penns Creek Brown Charcoal on Lost Map (Print)

Wild Beauty (Print)

Trout Triptych No. 2 (Prints)

Penns Creek Grand Slam (Print)

Prince Pattern Palette

Green Drake Hatch

The Pride of Penns No. 2

Native Brook Trout (Print)

Wild Brown Trout (Print)

Wild Rainbow Trout (Print)

Limestone Rise

March Brown Hatch (Print)

Autumn Catch and Release (Print)